Level Editing

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Table Of Contents

1. Intro
2. Editor
3. Menus
4. Advanced


The Construct is your hub for creating your own levels for Diora! Enter the construct and interact with the blueprint table to get started.



While you can make plenty of levels just on the Playdate, you can make some more complex levels and take advantage of advanced commands and custom assets!

Selected block

Cursor position

D-Pad hint

Crank hint

Controls While Not Holding

Place currently selected block

Rotate level

Move cursor horizontally

Controls While Holding

Erase hovered block

Change selected block

Move cursor vertically

Rotate cursor


Use these menus to manage your level and project.

Test Level

Test your level! Press to get back to the editor.

Save / Quit

Manage your level, and exit back to the project menu. You can delete projects and levels here as well.

Editor Settings

Change settings such as cursor step and block intersection.

Level Settings

Change settings such as the music and background of the level.

Block Library

Browse and load a block to use in the level.

Block Inspector

Hover the cursor over a block and inspect its values. You can edit some values as well.

Edit Connections

Hover the cursor over a block and set its connections, such as connecting a logic gate to a button.


While you can make plenty of levels on the Playdate, you can take advantage of advanced tools using a computer!

Advanced Level Editing