print,message,Hello World!,Prints the message. Can be used to debug and label branches. character,name,diora,Changes Bebe and Icon to match a character file. icon,name,diora,Changes Icon. bebe,name,diora,Changes Bebe. setat,type name value x y z,bool active false 1 2 3,Sets the variable of the block at the xyz. setself,type name value,number tr 45,Sets the variable of the block that owns the dialogue. setplayer,type name value,number tr 180,Sets the variable of the player. set,type name value,number playermovespeed 1,Sets the global variable. Can be unstable! call,name,,Calls the global function. Can be unstable! interactat,x y z,1 2 3,Interacts with block at the xyz. lockinput, value, true,Locks/Unlocks player input. Good for cutscenes. destroy,,,Destroys the block that owns the dialogue. destroyat,x y z,1 2 3,Destroys the block at xyz. cam,angle z time,90 1 2,Starts a camera animation. Can also be 'end' to return control to the player. Good for cutscenes. sound,name,explosion,Plays the sound effect. win,delay,2,Diora is win! :) Pauses for effect. Delay value is optional. kill,delay,2,Diora is kil. :( Pauses for effect. Delay value is optional. video,name,intro,Plays a video. wait,seconds,4.5,Pauses the commands the defined amount of seconds. Triggers only. branch,dialogue,tip1 tip2 tip3,Picks a random dialogue from the list and continues. Does not need more than one file. setlore,name value,spoketodave true,Sets lore value. Lore is used to handle story progression. branchlore,name dialogue,spoketodave reward,Branches to another dialogue only if the lore is true. gointo,name,room,Brings player into the level. Like going through a door.